For loop with implicit java.util.Map conversion in Scala

Today I was converting a servlet from a Java implementation to a Scala implementation. I needed to print out the parameters (getParameterMap) and headers (getHeaderNames). These are implemented as java.util.Map collections with the following definition.


Using the implicit conversion of Scala did not work as straight forward as I thought. I started of with the following code.

def makeKeyValuePair(key: String, values: Array[String], length: Int) : String = {
  if (length == 0) s"$key=$values" else s", $key=$values"

def parameters(request: HttpServletRequest) : String = {
  var s = ""
  for ((k, v) <- request.getParameterMap()) s += makeKeyValuePair(k, v, s.length())

That would give me a not very helpful error message (at least I think the error message is rather cryptic)

type mismatch; found : ?0 where type ?0 required: String

It took me a while, but I finally figured out I needed to explicitly declare the k and v variable types. So this is the final code.

def makeKeyValuePair(key: String, values: Array[String], length: Int) : String {
  if (length == 0) s"$key=$values" else s", $key=$values"

def parameters(request: HttpServletRequest) : String = {
  var s = ""
  for ((k: String, v: Array[String]) <- request.getParameterMap()) s += makeKeyValuePair(k, v, s.length())

I hope this helps someone else from having to solve the explicit conversion problem.

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