Adding fuzzy search to Feathers NeDB

Out of the box Feathers NeDB does not support fuzzy search. There is a hook that provides this functionality: feathers-nedb-fuzzy-search. It is really simple and straitforward to install and use.

  • Install
    npm install feathers-nedb-fuzzy-search --save
  • Configure
    Enable it for specifc services or alternatively enable it for all services in app.hooks.

    const search = require('feathers-nedb-fuzzy-search') 
      before: {
        find: search()
  • Usage
    const messages = app.service('messages')
      query: {
        $search: 'some string to search for'


Happy coding.

Test API webhooks from localhost

To test the Mollie payment API on my localhost I needed a way to receive the webhook callback on my localhost. To be able to do this I needed a service to tunnel a public URL to localhost (my local machine, as opposed to a publicly accessible URL). Here are few examples of services that provide this service:

ngrok (free plan)

localtunnel (free)



These types of tools give you a publicly accessible URL that forwards the request to the localhost port, which can be used for the API callback URL while testing.