[Vuetify] Multiple instances of Vue detected

Setting up unit tests today using localeVue with Vuetify and @vue/test-unit I ran into the warning message:

[Vuetify] Multiple instances of Vue detected

After googling around I found a number of issues related to this warning message. There are different ways to solve it, which I will address in this post.

1. Ignore it

It is a warning message, so you can safely ignore it. But that red warning text sure is annoying.

2. Use Vue instead of localeVue

You could use initialize the component using Vue instead of localVue. That said the documentation of @vue/test-unit explicitly warns agains this.

3. Suppress the warning message

A hack, but in my opinion the least evel one of all the options is suppressing the warning message. This can be done very locally in the beforeEach. This is the code I am using that is based on this issue comment.

The SilenceWarnHack.js class:

 * This is a hack to suppress the Vuetify Multiple instances of Vue detected warning.
 * See https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4068#issuecomment-446988490 for more information.
export class SilenceWarnHack {
  constructor() {
    this.originalLogError = console.error
  enable() {
    console.error = (...args) => {
      if (args[0].includes('[Vuetify]') && args[0].includes('https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4068')) return
  disable() {
    console.error = this.originalLogError

And the beforeEach function that is part of the test file:

import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import { SilenceWarnHack } from '@tst/helpers/SilenceWarnHack'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import VStatsCard from '@/components/common/VStatsCard.vue'

const silenceWarnHack = new SilenceWarnHack()

describe('VStatsCard.vue', () => {
  let localVue = null
  beforeEach(() => {
    localVue = createLocalVue()

It works like a dream đŸ™‚

Webstorm not recognising Vuetify component html tags

Recently I moved from VS Code to Webstorm. What a brilliant IDE. It really improved my development flow. One thing that has been irritating me is that the Vuetify component html tags are not recognised, which results in a s**t load of warning messages of unrecognised html tags.

After Googling around I found an issue on the Vuetify GitHub Issues that provides a simple workaround. All you need to do is create a file somewhere in the project that describes the Vuetify components. You don’t need to import the file. It just has to be accessible to Webstorm so that it can be analysed.

There is a fix in the works for the Vuetify api-generator that provides this file out of the box. Just checkout the Javascript and Typescript files.

I placed the Javascript file in my plugin directory naming it vuetify-fake-components-for-webstorm.js. After that all the warnings of unrecognised html tags disappeared like magic. Wooho!